Choose OAM For Your Living Legacy Giving

Every person, at the end of their life, leaves behind a legacy through the distribution of their accumulated assets. We have the unique opportunity to decide where the resources God has blessed us with will go.

In the Bible, Joseph serves as a powerful example of Living Legacy Giving. His foresight and planning in Egypt saved countless lives. Jesus further teaches us about Living Legacy Giving, emphasizing how giving through the church can store treasures in heaven while meeting earthly needs.

Living Legacy Giving allows you to make arrangements now that will benefit future generations. This form of giving not only offers significant tax advantages but also demonstrates your dedication to managing God's blessings faithfully.

All gifts made as a Living Legacy to the Open Arms Mission of Welland will help ensure the organization's continued impact for years to come. The interest earned on the growing balance in the Living Legacy Fund will support expanding ministry efforts, fostering renewal and peace locally and globally.

There are two excellent avenues for Legacy Giving to consider:

  1. Living Memorials: These include gifts given "In Memory" of loved ones who have passed and gifts "In Honour" of individuals' achievements or milestones such as birthdays, anniversaries, or retirements. Living memorials provide lasting expressions of love and recognition, surpassing the temporary nature of flowers and the lifeless permanence of monuments.
  2. Planned Gifts: These gifts reflect a thoughtful desire to invest God-given resources in ways that align with your commitment to God, love for His church, and your established pattern of generosity. Contributions to the Open Arms Mission Living Legacy Fund become part of God's Kingdom equity in perpetuity.

Examples of planned gifts for the Living Legacy Fund include:

  • Bequests: Gifts left to the mission through your will, which can significantly reduce estate taxes, allowing you to support the church generously without diminishing your family's inheritance.
  • Gift Annuities: This option supports the mission while providing you with a lifetime income and substantial tax benefits.
  • Life Insurance: Naming the mission as a beneficiary allows you to give a significant future gift at a lower present cost.
  • Stocks, Bonds, and Mutual Funds: Donating these assets reduces your capital gains tax, enabling greater generosity.
  • RRSPs and RRIFs: These can be taxed to beneficiaries but may not be if invested in the mission's future ministry.
  • Gifts-in-Kind: Donating items such as antiques, jewelry, art, or other property offers a way to practice biblical stewardship, receive tax credits, and invest in the future.

The Open Arms Mission Living Legacy Team is here to assist you. They can provide a Will-Planning Workbook and refer you to professionals who can help you leave the legacy you desire.

For more information, please contact: Josh Walsh, Director of Open Arms Mission Welland: